

Family Medicine Specialty / Warm-hearted doctor in Fuxin Dist. provides medical service for remote area residents.

BenQ T3300 ultrasound featuring point of care and portability with touch screen deliver rapid boot-up for instant diagnosis.


Product Type:
Regional Clinic
Family Medicine
May, 2018
Client Needs

“Our medical tour and home care services in mountains rely on on-site services. Large cart-based ultrasound limited by the environment is not suitable for hand-carrying, so we need a portable ultrasound with moderate screen size.” said Dr. Kao.


BenQ T3300 Portable Ultrasound System, featuring "easy to carry and rapid diagnosis", provides a solution for patients or people living in remote areas, who are inconvenient to see a doctor. The medical team can bring ultrasound to patient's home effortlessly and provide complete and non-stop medical care.


BenQ T3300 Portable Ultrasound System

Brief Overview

In mountain and remote areas, a place where medical resources are relatively poor, doctors and patients can get benefit from ultrasound scanning that provide additional basis for diagnosis.


Easy to carry

BenQ T3300 Portable Ultrasound System, a 13.3-inch full-touch panel, weighs only 2.7kg, can boot up quickly in 30 seconds and scan continuously for 1.5 hours, deliver the unrestricted examinations.

Clear Image

BenQ ultrasound combines many image optimization functions. Lesions can clearly been detected, and enable doctor to diagnose accurate details for treatment.


Although it is a tiny and portable ultrasound system, the image quality remains clear and convenient to hand-carry, we can take it any time.


Yangwei Gao has been engaged in roving medical care, and caring residents with inconvenient transportation for more than 30 years in Fuxin district, a highest altitude and the steepest road in Taoyuan province. Immediate examination also enables doctors to diagnose disease. Home medical care allows patients to regularly track chronic diseases via ultrasound examinations, and even detect some diseases early to save treatment time.