Featuring AgilExam, computer assisted
exam setup, for fast and consistent MRI day
after day.
is the extremity MRI of choice for sites that require high throughput,
improved workflow and advanced applications.
delivers quality MRI while respecting specific budget or workload constraints
thanks to the extremely low costs/scan.
Esaote Dynamic MRI can reveal occult impingements that are difficult or impossible to see with standard static MRI. Functional assessment provides an additional tool to improve patient care in particular in high-level sports medicine.
O-scan retains Esaote's tradition of outstanding image quality, throughput and friendly operation.
O-scan is a high performance system comprising the latest MRI technologies for advanced applications like MAR and high-resolution 3D acquisitions.
O-scan features a very compact magnet with comfortable patient chair and covers all limbs and joints such as the knee, calf, ankle, foot, hand, wrist, forearm and elbow.
It offers maximum patient comfort, no claustrophobia, and runs from a standard wall plug.
O-scan designed for high through-put in Radiological settings and Orthopedic practices. It can easily work alongside whole body scanners in Radiology departments, allowing you to improve your work flow and provide an optimal patient experience.
In orthopedic centers it can give direct access to MRI without having to make another appointment, saving time and cost for both the patient and the healthcare provider.
AgilExam recognizes the anatomy and will automatically suggests the setup of the MRI scan according to the chosen protocol. AgilExam facilitates the work for the MRI tech by reducing exam times and improving consistency over time.
Consistent quality is important as it facilitates substantially the reading of the exams in particular in case of teleradiology whereas the reduced scan times enhance MRI throughput and assures a better patient experience.
AgilExam is fast and clever.
Once the scout scan has been acquired the setup time for the complete exam is a matter of seconds in which AgilExam adjusts the slice orientation and number of slices of all the scans in the chosen examination protocol.
AgilExam is available for the knee, ankle and wrist. AgilExam functionality is not compatible with MRI conditional implants.